In [1]:
import numpy as np
import os
import image_loader as im
from skimage.transform import resize
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from skimage import io
from collections import deque
%matplotlib inline
First we need to 'binarize' the picture we want to embed in the markow field. This function does it
In [2]:
def prep_datas(pic, size):
X=resize(pic,(size,size)) # reduce the size of the image from 100X100 to 32X32. Also flattens the color levels
X=np.reshape(X,size**2) # reshape from 32x32 to a flat 1024 vector
X=np.array(X) # transforms it into an array
for j in range(len(X)): # let's binarized the image
if X[j] < 0.5:
X[j] = -1
X[j] = 1;
X_pic = np.reshape(X,(size,size))
return X, X_pic
We load and prepare the picture
In [34]:
size_lattice = 100 # Size of the lattice in which we want to embed the picture
einstein_pic = io.imread("einstein.png")
training_chain, ein_pic = prep_datas(einstein_pic, size_lattice)
We now define the spin-spin correlation function for the lattice
In [33]:
def corr(mat, d): # ensemble average of lattice (in form of 1D vector) for d-nearest neigbors spin
item = deque(mat)
mean = np.correlate(mat, np.asanyarray(item))/len(mat)
return mean